Northgate Methodist Church, Warwick
Methodism came to Warwick in 1801 when a Wesleyan Methodist local preacher and stonemason from Yorkshire--Thomas Facer--arrived to work, renovating Warwick Castle. The congregation has occupied many other buildings in Warwick but has been at the present church since 1893, which was refurbished in the 1990s.
Membership is 119 and we have around 60 people at our Sunday worship. We hold a regular Saturday coffee morning, and have several groups: Women's Fellowship, Methodist Guild, Mid-Week Home Groups, Widow's Group, Choir and Community Tuesdays which includes our Bread Church.
Our facilities are widely used by the local community. At our official reopening, in January 1993, Dr John Tudor, , gave us a motto: "Always be joyful, always be prayerful, always be thankful", we bring this sense of joy, prayer and thanksgiving, to the new circuit.
To find out more about Northgate Methodist Church, visit their website
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