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South Warwickshire Circuit
Responding to God's love in Christ

Lent Bible Study

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Ten Squared Bible Study for Lent 2018

Lent is a time for reflection and re-evaluation of our life of faith. It is often a time when we look to delve more deeply into what the Bible has to say to us.

Many people join study groups, but many more are unable to commit themselves to the same time each week. We are therefore delighted to offer this Bible Study, prepared by one of our own Ministers (Rev Sam McBratney). It can be done on your own or as part of a group.

You can use it as a one-off study or you may want to split it into 3 and look at the different aspects of Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer at different times.

If you do use the material provided, please give us some feedback using the Contactpage. Let us know :
-whether you found it useful,
-what was most helpful,
-what would you like to have seen
-what change it has made in your faith life.

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