Mid Warwickshire Methodist Circuit is starting a period of discernment to discover God's will for the Circuit and its Congregations in the future.
The key text for the renewal comes from John 10:10 – 'I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness'. Good News Version.
This is an exciting period for the Circuit, and as many people as possible within the Circuit will be encouraged to take part in this discernment process. To this end, over the next few months, there will be a number of Bible Studies taking place throughout the Circuit, to look at the ares of Mission, Discernment and Church. With further studies to follow later in the year.
You are welcome to use the material in your own Bible Study or private prayer time, you can access them here:
If you want to feed back any thoughts you or your group have, you can email mwc.katetennyson@gmail.com
Please pray for the Circuit as we go through this time, that we will hear and be emboldened to put into practice God's will for the Circuit to His glory.