Warwick Methodist Church ,"BRINGING the LOVE OF CHRIST TO ALL", aims to be an active and vibrant church, playing a leading role in the spiritual and pastoral life of Warwick.
Our church offers a warm welcome in its worship and other activities to visitors and newcomers, young and old. We aim to be a Christian Community which cares for people and responds to needs both locally and globally.
Jesus said "Love one another" and "Love your neighbour". We believe in God, we follow Jesus and we trust in the presence and the movement of the Spirit. Our worship is at 10:30am each Sunday in the Methodist tradition, with a variety of hymns and songs. We have Junior Church most Sundays, with activities in the church on the occasions the children stay in the service.
We have a regular Saturday coffee morning 10:00am--12:00noon. Our facilities are used by the local community and are available to hire for regular or one off events.
Dr John Tudor, who was the preacher at the official re-opening of the present refurbished church in January 1993, gave us a motto:
"Always be joyful, always be prayerful, always be thankful".
Safeguarding Officer: Anne Oliver – safeguarding@warwickmethodist.org